Photography is a conscious act of getting outside of time, of slowing down. If nothing else, 2018 reminded me yet again how much I need this. Time is fickle, and before you know it one season has ended and another begun.

I take a minute (okay… a lot of minutes) every year to sort through my archive. It provides some much-needed perspective because so often we’re too preoccupied in the act of moving forward to realize how far we’ve come.

2018 was a year of a lot of transition as I finished school and moved to San Francisco – a whole lot of celebrations and goodbyes all wrapped up in one year. There’s no way to sum it up, but hopefully this collection provides a small glimpse of my personal whirlwind.

Before you look, you should know that these photos mean nothing without a small army of people who have kept me grounded and who help me fly. They say if you want to go fast, go alone, but if you want to go far, go together.

I’ll never come close to expressing my gratitude to the people who came alongside me throughout college – the friends, professors, roommates, mentors, and church who shaped me. My time in DC meant what it did because of the incredibly inspiring communities I spent time in. You made me who I am!

To the many kind strangers and dear friends who opened their homes to me in Mexico, East Africa, and across the US –hospitality is a gift that pays forward. (@Youmna thank you for holding my stuff, hosting me, and helping me move all summer – you’re my girl)

Some of my favorite photos have been taken with Ali Oksner by my side, and 2018 was no different. Thanks for being my constant creative sounding board and for joining me on one wild road trip to my new home.

Settling into postgrad life in a new city on a new coast is no joke, but fortunately I have the right people alongside me in this wacky stage of life.  

To my west coast fam, biological and chosen/adopted, who have helped me transition in more ways than I could ever count: you make this adventure worth it.

“Nobody but nobody can make it out here alone.” – Maya Angelou




If you're curious about what life looked like in other years: 

Year in Review - 2017

Year in Review - 2016

Year in Review - 2015